Warm color schemes.
Warm colors for cold weather. Photo by Dean.B
Warm colors for cold weather. Photo by Dean.B
Warm color, cold weather and beautiful landscape.
Maybe you are amazed by the snowy scene in mid-spring, it seems like the winter doesn’t want to leave Europe. When sunshine couldn’t give you warm feeling,the breeze is ice cold, people start to give up the expectations of a beautiful spring. Well sometimes we…
When I read it will be -20 degree next week from the news, seriously I was a bit freaking out. Although it is only around -9 degree during this week, I feel very sick from the freezing weather already. Anyway, keep yourself warm from this…
Although I expected more snow during Christmas holiday(only because it looks pretty…), the temperature still rising non stop. Well I should be happy about warmer weather of course, but it is definitely annoying to have so many chilling rainy days in winter. I couldn’t wait…
Since this Thursday temperature the dropped to 8 degrees again. Berlin was back to it’s windy, cloudy, rainy state. So what did I do recently? Stayed indoors, drawing, designing and drinking hot tea. Although I wanted to take more interesting outfit themes, but not…