For my opinion, butterflies and birds are the most incredible and romantic creatures in the world, because of their elegance and freedom I suppose. I am also wondering how could nature create these amazing creatures, the color combinations, the wings shape, the patterns… their wings include a whole new world, this world just belong to them, if it lose just a tiny part of these elements, it won’t be perfect. In other words, they are art in motion living and breathing.
Actually I want to take pictures of this look from long ago, it pay tribute to the man who I would always respect and remember, Alexander Lee Mcqueen. I was so sure he was a big fan of wings when I saw his design at the very first time. Those flying wing is the soul of “Savage beauty”, not the skull pattern. Sara continues this wings legend, also she gave these wings new spirited-Fairy Beauties.
I appreciate nature and its creations (after all you are one of them) how diverse the designs can be when you look at it. Billions upon billions of species from plant, animal, insect e.t.c All with amazing and unique designs that inspires every artist and designer. This is the best way to create designs after all. To look, observe and learn from nature. My boyfriend right now as a digital artist also is doing this, so am I and other artists. Not just form, shapes, pattern but color as well. Imagine how many other designs have been on the planet from long ago (since all creatures that ever lived on the planet are now %99 exist). That is a astounding fact isn’t it? And it took 4.5 billion years for this earth to create us, humans. Not to mention all other types of life, all other types of “Design”. We are a young species only 3.2 million years , and only 10,000 years of recorded human history. I can imagine when the modern man came about (scientists are still not sure) but it seems 100,000 years ago cave man decorated his walls with paintings of things he saw.
I guess then we modern people are natural artists? It is in us to be creative, to be ingenious and to be inspired by nature. Of all the negative things human can create, I would like to believe that we can create amazing beauty. We are natures most creative and expressive creation.
Doesn’t it feel then that to be a artist, or designer of any sort….to “create” we are doing exactly what we are meant to. It feels so innate, so natural. Every child really knows the truth. They draw, paint and are creative without limit. But as we get older we are told drawings are bad , killing our creativity. This most natural part of us.
The good news is that creativity is always in us, below the surface. We just have to be brave enough to let it out. To be adults but with a child’s passion. I hope anyone reading this can find joy in knowing that all people are designers, it is as I said, our nature and will always continue to be. (And I meant creative in any sense, art, writing, music, even technical part such as math *to think creatively to find a solution* e.t.c)
Look around you and explore the world, appreciate what a unique, amazing, and fragile world we have. No where else in the whole universe can you find Monet, Vivaldi, Kubrick, Socrates or the architectures of the world from the Eiffel tower to the golden gate bridge or my home country’s archient and wonderful buildings and designs in China. I can easily make a list that would last DAYS! We are very, very lucky to be here at all.
So…draw your creativity from Nature and from Within. To be creative and imaginative is to be truly free.
Hat by Marc Cain FW11
Ruffle collar by homemade
Trench coat from vintage store
Tutu ivory skirt from Chloe Chen’s collection shop
Heels by Topshop
Illustration by Nancy.Z
Photography by Ajdin.B
Lee’s famous red butterflies hat from 2008 SS. pictures from Harper’s Bazzar |
Lee’s Butterflies decorations. I may say he was a big fan of different type of wings. |
Sara’s Butterflies design, 2011ss. Butterflies and birds are the biggest inspirations of ” Savage Beauty”. |
Legs and shoes butterfly decorations, just one butterfly could make your outfit looks so dramatic. |
i just miss lee more and more. wonderful interpretation of the transience of life (which i suppose relates also to the fragility of life and ironically lee himself) from you.
Jacqueline, melon-heart
It astounds me how such a beautiful life, that impacted so many and created so much could destroy itself.
Agnes in Wonderland
Amazing! 🙂
flying butterflies on an autumnal background, not only a lovely fancy, but a totally natural reality … specially when attracted by the pretty Nancy <3;)
I can’t believe I have only found your blog now. It is amazing and I LOVE your drawings!
this is magic and I just adore it!
The illustration makes me smile as always.
McQueen’s take on nature (especially butterflies) has long been a favorite.
Nature is wonderful; God’s creation never ceases to amaze me.
The touch of the butterflies is really pretty! Love the play of different textures and volumes!