Light often comes from the corners or gaps. The search for light is something I have always had an interest in since I was young , being an artist I believe it is important and fundamental to explore and understand light, how it works and interacts with the world. All that we see and experience visually is due to the phenomenon of light , subatomic particles produced by the sun which wash over our earth in beauty…..something much not appreciated. We neglect this fundamental part of life the more we live with our heads in technology from the waking moment until our heads hit the pillows, still eyes glued to the screen of useless information and the latest trending video. Aside from the fact that we have more knowledge at our fingertips than ever before we do not look up or around us.
Somehow I find myself to be connected to the past as for millions of years since we evolved the sun , that which grants us light, that was worshipped and praised. In fact this is how almost every religion on earth started. Man ventured out of a cave, looked up, and then saw something greater than himself and so a god was born as man always has also the need to working that which is bigger or unfathomable to the primitive mind. In this regard many artists can relate to this, and to you I wanted to convey in this post how I see the world.
We created also a new account specifically for the art project Light Seeker, you can see all the inspirational photos which was used for the art as well as regular updates on the project click HERE